Implement a tagging structure to group articles together
If you have articles about multiple subjects that you want to group together, you can add tags to your press article. For example, for car brands it would make sense to give articles about a specific car type a tag of the name of that car type.
Managing tags
New tags can only be added in the Tags Manager. Go to the Tags Manager in the 'Newsroom' menu in the navigation bar:
This will show you an overview of existing tags and their labels:
The difference is as follows:
- Tag Label is how the tag is shown on the front-end.
- Tag URL is how the tag is saved in the backend and shown in URLs. It cannot contain special characters.
The tag URL and tag label can be identical but this is not necessary. The label supports non-Latin characters (such as Chinese, Korean, Arabic) but also special Latin-alphabet characters like accents and umlauts, as well as the ampersand sign (&).
Let's say you want to use a German tag "präsentation". You would then use "präsentation" in the 'label' field, and "praesentation" in the 'tag url' field.
Editing or deleting tags
By hovering over the tags in the Tags Manager, you should see a pencil and a red cross icon to your right, to respectively edit or delete your tag. Users with Contributor rights have no access to the Tags Manager and therefore cannot edit, delete or add new tags. However, they can still add already existing tags to articles.
Editing a tag edits the tag at all locations where it is used, so all connected articles and modules, making sure you don't break any functionality. Deleting a tag also removes it from all connected articles and modules.
Adding a recently deleted tag recovers it to its previous state. This means that the tag will then re-appear in all articles and modules it was previously connected to:
What can you do with tags?
Let's say you have a Headlines module with the tag 'example' configured. The Headlines module will then only show articles with the 'example' tag. If an article doesn't have that tag it will not show up. The following modules support the use of tags:
You can also configure one or more exclude tags. Articles with these tags will not be included in the modules mentioned. For example, if you add an exclude tag 'example' to the search module, articles with that tag will not be included in the results of the Search Module. Exclude tags only work if no other tags have been configured.
Tags added to articles are also not included in the search module.
It's also possible to create links to archive pages with specific tags, which is explained in a separate article.
Similarly, you can also tag images and videos which doesn't only help with finding them if you have a lot of multimedia assets, you can also organize your Media Library with it using categories and subcategories. See the linked article for an in-depth explanation.
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