Show articles in other modules, such as the Carousel, on the same page
By default, an article that appears in a Featured Aritcle or News Carousel will not appear a second time anywhere else on the page. This article explains how to show articles in both a Featured Article or Carousel module, and under the Headline section on the page.
1. Go to Newsroom.
2. In the sidebar, click on 'Miscellaneous' and then 'Headlines'.
3. Scroll down a bit in your Headline module settings until you see 'Include previously displayed articles' under the 'Display Options' heading.
4. Click the checkbox on the right side.
5. Repeat for all Headlines modules as desired.
6. Click "Save" in the Headlines module window when finished.
Articles published with the Headline tags that have "Include previously displayed..." selected will appear in both the Featured Article or Carousel and under the correct Headline.
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