While Presspage offers a newsroom migration service to onboarding customers, there are some limitations as to what is included in this process. These are listed below.
Your Implementation Manager will discuss with you to find out what types of content are most important to you, and how to approach the migration process.
- In the case of an account with more than one language it is important to note that the articles migrated to the Presspage platform via an RSS feed will not be connected with a language picker. In other words, articles in a (for example) German language feed will not be connected to their French equivalent. If this function is essential to have, the articles will need to be migrated manually. A workaround could be to use a Button module and manually link the translations of each article to each other.
- Images can only be imported in two ways: inline in the content section of the feed, or as media items in a media group. In case of the latter, the images will be inserted in an Image Module that sits between the title and the content. You may want to adjust this after the migration. Custom functionality, such as lightboxes, images in multiple dimensions or captions, do not carry over.
- If inline images have alt text or title attributes, these will carry over to Presspage, but they will not be visible in the Asset Manager. Images in media groups can have a title and a description included in the RSS feed. These will be included in the Asset Manager, and the title will be used as an alt text. It's not possible to migrate a different alt text.
- Elements like "related content" cannot be migrated. If you have tagged your content, you can manually add a Headlines Module later.
- Contact modules cannot be migrated. You can add these manually later.
- Meta description tags are not migrated. The Presspage platform auto-generates these based on the 160 characters of the body text, and you can override this by manually adding a custom meta description tag in the SEO options.
- Special characters like é or ä in filenames or media:group elements may result in encoding issues. If possible, remove these or replace them with an equivalent without accents, for example "Universitaet" instead of "Universität" in German.
- Migrating content is a one-off service and for valid RSS feeds only. Additional migrations can only be done on request at an additional cost.
- In most cases, Presspage cannot set up redirects from your old environment to the new one. However, we can provide you with an overview of the migrated articles in chronological order, so your IT team can help set up redirects.
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