This article explains how the account structure works for Presspage customers.
The highest level is the Holding. A holding is the billable entity of the customer. It has a pricing plan and seats. These seats can be assigned to users.
A holding has one or multiple accounts. An Account is the entity to which different products are added. Examples of products are the Newsroom, Presspage Mail, the Media Database, and Inquiries. One of each can be added to an account; for example, you cannot have two Newsrooms in a single account.
The lowest access-level is the Language. An account can have one or multiple languages. Presspage products will be available in these languages. For example, the Newsroom may be available in English and Spanish, so you have the option to post English-language content on your English newsroom, and Spanish-language content on the Spanish newsroom.
Users can be assigned to accounts, and to different languages within those accounts.
Let's say there is a holding called Megacorp. Megacorp has multiple Presspage accounts: Examplecompany, Inc, Beispielunternehmen GmbH and Voorbeeldbedrijf B.V.
The Examplecompany account has the English and Spanish language activated, the Beispielunternehmen account has the German and the English language, and the Voorbeeldbedrijf account only has the Dutch language activated.
You're now assigning accounts and languages to user X.
If user X is an Administrator, they will have access to all three accounts and all languages.
If user X is a Manager, they will have access to at least one account and one language, but with the option to assign multiple languages and/or accounts. For example, you can give them access to English and Spanish within Examplecompany, but only to German within Beispielunternehmen.
Finally, if user X is a Contributor, they only have access to a single account. Within that account they can still have access to multiple languages.
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