Presspage provides a standard cookie notifications option in the advanced settings of the platform. In these cookie settings you can define what cookies you want Presspage to set and which you can turn off. The cookies you can activate are all third party cookies necessary for certain modules, mostly related to social media. By excluding the cookies you deactivate the modules they are used for. This activating or deactivating of cookies is a generic state. The user will only get an accept or decline option. We do not offer the possibility to give more control to the user.
Besides these third party cookies, we can also work with you and see if we can integrate your cookie notification in the newsroom environment. The options are as follows:
Options to integrate Cookies:
Our standard Cookie Notification
Users can enable the cookie notification for their account by switching on this option in their accounts settings as described above. When switched on, all modules which make use of cookies will be disabled. They will appear after the user accepts the cookies. This cookie notification looks like this:By using the Cookie Module, you can customize the text and the buttons of this cookie notification.
Our Cookies in your look and feel
We can redesign our cookie notification to make sure it resembles your own cookie notification. This is done based on the cookie notification that is used on your website.
If your cookie notification has more than 2 layers, so not only decline or accept, we need to know by which settings we need to accept the cookies and when to decline the cookies. This is due to the fact that the Presspage cookie exists out of a max of 2 states, 'Accept' or 'Decline'. When we take over the texts from the your website, you need to make sure that the cookie statements include information about our cookies. -
Newsroom cookies combined with your website cookies
As a last possibility, we can investigate if we can set up a combined cookie notification for the newsroom and the website. In this manner, a visitor from the website or newsroom only has to accept the cookies on one of the two pages to accept them for both. What we need to do this investigation is your complete cookie script(s). If not loaded by said script but separately, we’d like to receive the necessary stylesheet (in .css or .scss) to make the cookie look right as well if available.
When we follow this approach, the fact that a cookie notification has only 2 levels at Presspage does not change. We use the way the system checks if a cookie is already accepted. So, if you have a cookie notification that makes a difference between 'functional', 'marketing', 'social media' and perhaps other types of cookies, we require confirmation of what options need to be checked to allow our cookie to be set to ‘Accepted’.
With respect to GDPR it is good to remember that functional cookies do not require consent, but third party cookies required for statistics and marketing definitely do.
See here for more information about our cookies:
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