If you're dealing with high-resolution photos in your image library, it's important to give the subject of color profiles a thought.
Images with an Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB color profile displayed in a web browser may result in washed out or slightly desaturated colours, so these need to be converted to sRGB prior to uploading. It's highly recommended to do this prior to uploading as there is currently no in-application support for such heavy image processing.
Note that with images with extremely vibrant colours you may still see a difference. sRGB has a narrower range of colours but is more suitable for the web. Most browsers will try to render images as sRGB images anyway regardless of the original colour profile, but converting them to sRGB beforehand ensures that they are displayed consistently across all browsers and applications.
Generally, image processing programs such as Photoshop or Adobe Lightroom will do a much better job at converting your photos to sRGB then a browser ever will, with as minimal colour loss as possible.
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