Adding a Media Kit module containing the assets of your article
The Media Kit module offers your visitors the possibility to download all uploaded multimedia assets of a particular article conveniently bundled in a zip file, as well as a generated PDF file of that article.
For performance reasons, assets that are larger than 500 MB (usually videos) are not included in the Media Kit module. Smaller videos should be included provided that the total file size of all assets stays under 500 MB.
2. Hover over the “Multimedia” tab under “Modules” and click on "Media Kit".
3. Click the green "Add Module" button at the top right corner.
4. Add the text that should appear on the download button. If desired, also check the option 'Include generated PDF of textual elements', that will add a PDF of the article to the Media Kit.
This option is unchecked by default. If you would like to have this option checked for past articles, please contact Support.
5. After filling out the information, click the blue 'Save' button in the bottom right corner.
The Media Kit module will now be viewable in the sidebar of your articles.
See the article Adjust Page Layout to change the order of the modules in the sidebar.
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