How to launch a Newsroom from the preview environment to a live website.
Once all the content is published and the final touches placed in preview-mode, it is time to go live and share your Newsroom with the world. This article will provide the final steps to take to launch the Newsroom.
1. Double check that all modules are arranged as desired and that all published articles are error-free!
2. Go To "Newsroom" in the navigation bar.
3. Click the green "Publish Options" button at the bottom of the left side.
4. Click "Publish".
5. Click "Save". The newsroom will now be published, but will still remain in the preview mode. This is what is referred to as a "soft launch".
6. Click "View Newsroom" and ensure that the front end looks correct, and that all buttons and clickable links are working as intended.
7. Once ready to go fully live, click the 'Activate account' button.
The Newsroom will now be live and exist at the URL that was set up during integration. Remember to update any old newsroom/media links to redirect to the new URL, so visitors can begin viewing the new content.
Congratulations! 🎉
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