Archive pages display an overview of articles based on tags. You can recognize them by /?h=1
in the URL.
By default, these pages have a title with the name of the tag in parentheses, like in this screenshot:
Users with Administrator rights can change the title of archive pages. To do so, choose Newsroom in the navigation bar:
Then, go to Newsroom Settings in the sidebar to the left:
Click on 'Archive pages':
To add a tag and its new title, click the 'Add custom archive page title' button:
You'll see that the part of the URL before the tag has already been populated, so simply include the tag after "t=" to complete the URL.
Then, add the correct title for the archive page and click Save. You can repeat these steps for as many tags as you want.
Please note: If these changes are not visible on the newsroom after saving, it's possible that you may have existing code in your template overwriting these settings. In that case, please contact Support to have this code removed.
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